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Why are My Fish Swimming at The Top of The Tank: What to Do?

For the last few weeks, I have been finding my fish at the top of the tank. Every time I feed them, they are up at the top of the water column. I have tried different food, adjusted the temperature, and added decorations. Still, nothing seems to keep them down at the bottom where they are supposed to be.

Why are my fish always at the top of the tank? Do fish naturally like being at the top of the tank, or is there another reason why they hang out up there?

Are these questions familiar to your situation?

Let’s join National Park Aquarium to explore why fish like to be at the top of the tank and examine some of the benefits of having them there.

Why are my Fish Swimming at the Top of the Tank?

fish swimming at the top of the tank
Fish swimming at top of tank

1. Looking for food

If you notice that your fish are always swimming around near the surface when you feed them, it is likely because they are trying to get to the food faster.

Fish are attracted to movement and light, so they often swim toward anything that catches their attention.

By being at the top of the tank, they are more likely to see and be able to get to the food before other fish in the tank.

2. Temperature

Fish are cold-blooded animals, so their body temperature depends on the water around them. If the water at the bottom of the tank is colder than the water at the top, the fish will naturally swim to the warmer waters.

This is why you might find your fish hanging out near the surface on a sunny day; they are seeking out the warmer temperatures.

3. Fish Looking for Oxygen-Rich Waters

Fish respire using their gills, drawing oxygen from the water. Various factors, such as temperature, pH, and dissolved substances, influence the oxygen content in the water.

The warmer and more stagnant the water, the less oxygen it will contain. So, if your fish are swimming near the surface, it could be because they are looking for oxygen-rich waters.

4. Privacy

In some cases, fish might be at the top of the tank because they seek a place to hide. If other fish in the tank are bothering them or if they feel threatened, they might swim to the top of the tank in search of a hiding place.

It is especially common in tanks with aggressive fish. By swimming to the top of the tank, they can often find a place to hide among the plants and decorations.

5. Socializing

Another reason your fish might be at the top of the tank is that they are social creatures and enjoy being around other fish.

If you have more than one fish in your tank, they might swim to the top so they can be close to the other fish. By swimming to the top of the tank, they can stay close to their schoolmates and feel more secure.

6. Water Quality

If the water in your tank is dirty or contains high levels of toxins, your fish will likely swim to the top to escape the polluted waters.

It indicates that you must keep your tank clean and well-maintained. By doing so, you can ensure that your fish have a safe and healthy environment to live in.

7. New Fish

Finally, if you have recently added new fish to your tank, they might be swimming to the top because they are feeling stressed.

It can take some time for new fish to adjust to their new surroundings and feel comfortable in their new home.

During this adjustment period, they might swim to the top of the tank to escape the other fish. If this is the case, simply give them some time to acclimate, and they will likely start swimming around at all levels of the tank.

What Should I Do If My Fish Stay at the Top of Their Tank?

why are my fish at the top of the tank
Fish staying at top of tank what to do

If your fish stay at the top of their tank, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

  • You should check the water quality and ensure everything is within normal limits. If the water quality is good, you should adjust the water temperature. Sometimes fish will stay at the top of the tank if they are too cold.
  • If your fish remain at the top of their tank, it could be a sign that they are not getting enough oxygen. Check to see if anything is blocking your filter’s air intake and ensure the water is well aerated.
  • It could also be a sign that your fish are stressed. Take a look at your water parameters and make sure everything is in order. If you recently added any new fish or decorations to the tank, that could cause stress.
  • Also, If your fish are still at the top of the tank after you’ve checked the oxygen levels and ruled out stress, it could be a sign of illness. Look for any other symptoms of disease, such as lethargy, lack of appetite, or odd behavior. If you suspect your fish is ill, consult a veterinarian.


So, there are a few reasons your fish at top of tank but not gasping. In most cases, it is nothing to worry about and is simply a result of their natural behavior.

However, if you notice that your fish are always at the top of the tank and seem to be struggling to breathe, it could be a problem with the water quality.

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Further Reading
Kevin Mills, the founder of Nationalparkaquarium.org


-- Founder --

I'm Kevin Mills, the founder of Nationalparkaquarium.org, where I share my deep passion for aquariums and aquatic life. With over 20 years of experience in fishkeeping, covering everything from tending to saltwater and freshwater tanks.

Kathleen Wood


-- Interrogator --

Kathleen Wood, a seasoned marine biologist, possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience in her field. Her research on tropical fish biodiversity spans over three decades, and she has contributed numerous scientific papers on aquatic life.