HomeFreshwater FishFreshwater Fish BreedsVeiltail Betta Fish: Pictures, Varieties, Colors and More

Veiltail Betta Fish: Pictures, Varieties, Colors and More

The Veiltail Betta is a highly popular freshwater fish species, known for its magnificent colors and long, flowing fins. It is one of the many different species of betta fish. In this guide, National Park Aquarium will list the distinctive features of the Veiltail Betta in terms of color, appearance, breed, and how to keep your betta fish healthy.

Quick Overview About Veiltail Betta

Feature Information
Common Names Veiltail Betta, Betta splendens (Veiltail variety)
Scientific Name Betta splendens
Adult Size 2.5 to 3 inches
Lifespan 3 to 5 years
Family Osphronemidae
Origin Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Thailand)
Temperament Aggressive
Compatibility Low; Best kept alone
Tank Mates Few options; Snails, some shrimp
Minimum Tank Size 5 gallons
Habitat Freshwater; slow-moving waters
Color Various (Blue, Red, Purple, etc.)
Skin Type Scales
Care Level Moderate
Breeding Bubble-nest breeder
pH Level 6.5 – 7.5
Water Hardness Soft to moderately hard
Temperature 76-82°F (24-28°C)
Diet Carnivorous
Prey Insects, smaller fish (in the wild)
Favorite Food Bloodworms, brine shrimp

What Is a Veiltail Betta Fish?

veiltail betta fish
veiltail betta fish

The Veiltail Betta stands out as one of the frequently spotted varieties in the Betta family, known scientifically as Osphronemidae. Often found gracing home aquariums, their allure remains undeniable despite the emergence of newer Betta tail types, such as the Crowntail or Halfmoon. These newer additions might have swayed some enthusiasts, but the Veiltail Betta’s simplicity in breeding ensures its continued desirability.

Veiltail Betta Temperament

green veiltail betta
green veiltail betta

While the Betta species is generally associated with a feisty attitude, the Veiltail variety breaks that mold by exuding a calm, harmonious, and gentle demeanor. However, an essential aspect to remember is their territorial nature. As with other Betta fish, male Veiltails have an innate drive to defend their domain, which means they may become aggressive when another male enters their territory.

This natural behavior underscores the importance of understanding and respecting their space, ensuring a serene and stress-free environment for these beautiful aquatic beings.

Appearance Of Betta Veiltail Fish

betta splendens veiltail
betta splendens veiltail

A standout feature of this variety is its beautifully elongated tail. This tail gracefully arcs, flows, and gently hangs just behind the caudal peduncle—the juncture where the tail and body meet.

But their appeal isn’t limited to just their tails. Veiltails present an extensive palette of colors, adding an array of hues to any aquarium setting. Given that their tail’s genetic trait is dominant, budding aquarists find them a rewarding choice when delving into breeding.

A little distinction between the genders: male Veiltails are often the showstoppers, boasting vibrant colors and longer, more pronounced tails. On the other hand, female Veiltails, while equally enchanting, often sport a more muted palette and have comparatively shorter tails and fins.

Veiltail Betta Fish Varieties & Colors

This exquisite fish can be seen flaunting a myriad of vivid hues. Predominantly, they shimmer in striking shades of royal blue and enchanting turquoise, akin to jewels beneath the water’s surface.

But the Veiltail’s charm doesn’t stop there. As you delve deeper into this betta fish varieties, you might encounter specimens glowing in the lush tone of emerald green or exuding the warmth of fire-engine red. Some even dance in gleams of bright yellow, spirited orange, or the mysterious depths of deep purple.

Blue Veiltail Betta Fish
Blue Veiltail Betta Fish
Red Veiltail Betta
Red Veiltail Betta
Purple Veiltail Betta
Purple Veiltail Betta
White Veiltail Betta
White Veiltail Betta
Yellow Veiltail Betta
Yellow Veiltail Betta
Black Veiltail Betta
Black Veiltail Betta
Veiltail Koi Betta
Veiltail Koi Betta
Pink Veiltail Betta
Pink Veiltail Betta
Red And Blue Veiltail Betta
Red And Blue Veiltail Betta
Orange Veiltail Betta
Orange Veiltail Betta
Dumbo Veiltail Betta
Dumbo Veiltail Betta

Crowntail Vs Veiltail Betta

While both Crowntail and Veiltail Betta possess enchanting allure, understanding their differences can enhance your appreciation of these aquatic wonders.

  • Color: Include vibrant shades like red, blue, gold, and combinations
  • Tail: Distinct with long rays that extend out, creating a crown-like appearance. Reduced webbing between rays.
  • Color: Common in various shades including blue, red, and multi-colored.
  • Tail: Long, flowing tail that droops down, giving a veil-like effect.
Crowntail vs. Veiltail Betta fish
Crowntail vs. Veiltail Betta fish

Male Vs Female Veiltail Betta

Both male and female Veiltail Betta have their unique attributes, and understanding these subtle distinctions can enhance the care and appreciation for these lovely aquatic beings.

Male Veiltail Betta
  • Appearance: Males are typically more vibrant in color and display richer, more saturated hues. Their tails and fins are longer and more flowing, making them the more flamboyant of the two.
  • Behavior: While all Bettas have a territorial streak, males are notably more aggressive, especially when confronted with another male, due to their innate need to establish dominance.
Male Veiltail Betta
Male Veiltail Betta
Female Veiltail Betta
  • Appearance: Females are more subdued in their coloration compared to their male counterparts. They have shorter tails and fins, but still retain the classic ‘veil’ shape.
  • Behavior: Generally, females exhibit a milder temperament. While they have their moments of assertiveness, they’re less aggressive than males.
Female Veiltail Betta
Female Veiltail Betta

How To Keep Your Veiltail Betta Healthy?

Though they boast a decorative look, Bettas are robust and generally health issue-free. By maintaining optimal water conditions, providing a nutritious diet, and offering a serene, roomy habitat, Bettas can thrive and potentially reach or surpass a 5-year lifespan in captivity. Bright, dynamic colors, relaxed and extended fins, and a keen appetite indicate a content and flourishing Betta.

Veiltail Halfmoon Betta
Veiltail Halfmoon Betta

Veiltail Betta Breeding

Bettas, especially Veiltails, reproduce easily in captivity, contributing to their popularity as companions. A distinct breeding tank provides them the needed space. Males can coexist with fry until they start moving freely; afterwards, their nurturing ceases. Rearing fry requires some effort, yet with knowledge and practice, breeding Veiltail Bettas becomes a straightforward task, even for novices.


Veiltail Betta fish stand out as gentler, more sociable, and affable compared to other Betta variants, positioning them perfectly for mixed-species tanks. While males display aggression towards fellow male Bettas, they coexist harmoniously with other fish under appropriate conditions.

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Further Reading
Kevin Mills, the founder of Nationalparkaquarium.org


-- Founder --

I'm Kevin Mills, the founder of Nationalparkaquarium.org, where I share my deep passion for aquariums and aquatic life. With over 20 years of experience in fishkeeping, covering everything from tending to saltwater and freshwater tanks.

Kathleen Wood


-- Interrogator --

Kathleen Wood, a seasoned marine biologist, possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience in her field. Her research on tropical fish biodiversity spans over three decades, and she has contributed numerous scientific papers on aquatic life.